Category: Drama

I Could Totally Be A Health Freak

I like the idea of breakfast. I truly believe it could be the best meal of the day. I just have a problem with it’s timings. Around noon would be nice. I’m night owl enough that even eating feels like a chore before then. I should just replace one of the other meals with traditional breakfast foods.

#CerealForDinner  #BaconAllDay

Disney Rant

I’m like a Disney loony. Every time I’m out with someone and they accidentally meet someone they know on the street, and one of them says “it’s a small world” the tune from the Disneyland ride starts playing in my head like a creepy turn-the-key-for-music doll house thing you see in horror movies. And through all this, I’m just standing there with a vacant expression staring at this overzealous exchange of “I’m so excited to see you!” shit like a less social version of Luna Lovegood. I probably come off as the oddball kid at whom those conservative small-town housewives point from the side, covering their mouth and whispering, “Oh she’s not very well, you know.” *Stage whisper* “Mentally.”

P.S- This exchange thing never happens with me because I’m too much of an introvert to network enough to know anybody passing by me on the street. I’m out.

And can I just say for the record that those creepy doll house things are usually the scariest part of a horror movie. It’s probably some psychological crap about how kids play with those and are also connected to unnatural things (which admittedly I don’t understand, and have never tried reading up on). Man. As if I don’t have enough reasons to not want a child, those movies just give me another. What’s the deal with children & horror movies anyway?

Money Matters

That rich feel tho
This isn’t even the largest denomination. I sent this picture to a friend when I was in Budapest last year. He thought it was 10k Euro and treated me like royalty for an hour, until he looked closer. Really, it’s worth about €32 or $37.  That rich feel tho’

Why I Have a Hundred Blogs

I have three letters for you — TMI.

Let’s talk stats here for a minute. Of the 100 sites I’ve created, only about 30% started out with true purpose. The rest were all personal sites that were going to be about my general musings, and so quite unstructured and without real purpose. So I shared. The good and the bad. The funny and the (what I thought was) funny. My heartache and my tears. My dreams and aspirations. And then, before you know it, it suddenly gets too personal.

People ask me to give them the link to my blog and I’m thinking, but wait, no, there’s that one post I don’t ever want them to read. That wouldn’t go down well, and I don’t want any problems with this person. They know enough, and if they read that post, they’d know too much. So much panic. And so I end up not giving them a link. But I want readers. I want people to read my blog, and I want feedback, and interaction, because otherwise I would’ve just kept a personal diary.

And so I created a hundred more, under pen names, and more fake names, wrote about a wider range of topics, thinking that I’d get this feedback from strangers who happened to come across my blogs. Of course there was feedback, and of course it happened once in a blue moon. So I’d lose the motivation to write, because no one’s reading, dammit! And so I’d create another. And another. It soon turned into a vicious cycle. I’d abandon a blog (never delete, because that blog had some good posts, you know?) when it got too personal, or too much, and move on to the next, where I’d do the exact same thing. I’m sorry, fellow WordPressers, for taking up a bunch of site names that I can neither remember anymore nor care about at this point.

I’m breaking the cycle. This is the first time a blog is directly connected to my real name and ID. Hopefully this breaks the spell of abandoned sites, and I can finally truly write for myself, as myself.

P.S- Hundred is an exaggeration, okay?

P.P.S- I guess I should extend that apology to Blogspot and Xanga users as well.